(for immediate publication)
Photo-Collagist Roger Molloy to Display His 'Million $ Photograph' on
London's Shoreditch Art Wall Beginning December 21st
On December 21st, Warhol will meet Rothco on the Shoreditch Art Wall when London photo-collagist artist Roger Molloy will display his 2.5 sqm. 'dollar sign' artwork, "Do You Want to See One Million?" so detailed that it cannot be photographed or reproduced.
Santa Cruz, California and Shoreditch, London, December 13, 2017: Today, Peter Mackeonis, founder of The Art Wall Company announced that London photo-collagist, Roger Molloy, is to mount his huge 210 cm. "Do You Want To See One Million?" photographic art piece to London's Shoreditch Art Wall, which will be on display December 21st through December 31st 2017.
The 'Do You Want to See One Million' photograph features one million tiny $ signs and is unique in that it cannot be photographed or reproduced in any other medium because of the intricate size of the dollar sign.
The 'million dollar' image, which measures 210 cm. In height by 125 cm.in width (84” by 50”) is printed on high quality Fuji Archival paper will be encased in plexiglas.
Roger Molloy:
Mackeonis, who recently became Molloy's manager, first met Roger when sourcing artists for the 2012 London and Paris Fashion Weeks' Promotion at Printemps Department store Paris. Molloy was one of five artists commissioned to cover specially constructed English phone booths for the store, with a fashion collage art piece. Later, he created a photographic art collage for the 60 sqm. Shoreditch Art Wall
Roger's Art
Mackeonis, commented, "Roger is at the intersection where Mark Rothko's 'Black on Gray' works meet Andy Warhol's use of well-known images." Continuing, "My company created the operating system for the Amiga Computer that Warhol played with during it's launch at New York's Lincoln Center in 1985, and I see Roger Molloy's work as something that Warhol would have greatly appreciated. Roger has a unique mind, which is clearly reflected in his art, and I suspect that there are many museums and private collectors in America, Europe and Asia that would appreciate his work. Such billionaire luminaries as currency-activist, George Soros, and investor, Carl Icahn, would certainly see the value of this unique million dollar art."
Weather permitting, Roger will be available in person at the Shoreditch Art Wall, for 10 days to discuss his work, starting December 21, 2017 and for more information on Roger please visit www.doyouwanttoseeonemillion.com/ and www.rogermolloy.com
UK Media Contact
Bernice Selvey
07779 997946
US Media Contact
Peter Mackeonis
The Shoreditch Art Wall:
17-19 Great Eastern Street, London EC2 (map)
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